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Program Structure and Requirements

Discover What's Involved

The PhD in Accounting is a strenuous academic program that provides effective training for a productive academic career. The doctoral program includes required courses, a research project, comprehensive examinations and a final dissertation.

Photo of a student writing on a white board

Program Structure

The Rotman's PhD program in Accounting incorporates course work, independent research, comprehensive examinations, and a final dissertation. Take a few moments to read more about our program structure, course requirements and expected time-lines for completion.

Required Courses

Rotman offers PhD level courses specifically created to provide you with the methodological and theoretical training required for exceptional research in the field of Accounting. Required courses are chosen to provide the maximum benefit to your academic development.

Research Project

Some areas require a research project component for the purpose of developing research and writing skills and preparing for the final dissertation. Students may be encouraged to present research at academic conferences or develop work to be published.

Comprehensive Examinations

Comprehensive Exams are an important step in achieving a doctorate degree. Our exams are designed to test a student's competency in several academic areas that are critical to their discipline and support their research.

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The dissertation is the final step in completing a PhD in Accounting at the Rotman School. It is the outcome of extensive course work and research, and is the student's original contribution to their field of study.

Student Performance Reviews

Rotman's PhD program provides students with an annual performance review to ensure their successful progress in the program. Each area performs their reviews internally. Evaluation criteria is listed here.