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PhD Courses in OBHRM

Our Strength: Our Program

PhD courses in the Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management stream include training in theory, methods and specialized seminars. Find out why OBHRM is a core strength of the Rotman School's doctoral program.

Not all courses are offered each year/ each semester. Check with the PhD Office at for courses schedule information.

For a listing of courses across all areas please see here.

Advances in Human Resource Management

This course has two objectives. The first is to explore theoretical and methodological issues in the areas of employee selection, performance appraisal, and training. The second is to improve the student's skill in applying these theories and methodologies to organizational problems.

Methods and Research in Organizational Behaviour

This seminar is an advanced graduate course in research methodology. This course will focus on the different stages involved in the process of conducting scientific research. There are three main objectives in this course. The first is to provide students with an understanding of the methodological concepts required to conduct empirical research. The second is to develop the ability of students to use these concepts in critically evaluating research. The third is to develop students’ skills in using these concepts to design their own research projects.

2014-2015 Course Outline

Advanced Topics in Organizational Behaviour

This course introduces advanced topics in organizational behaviour, with a special focus on the role of the individuals within organizations. It provides an overview of the research on individual attributes and characteristics, and how these influence cognitive processes and affect outcomes at the individual, group, and firm levels. The course begins with an overview of organizational behaviour research, tracing the origins of some of the most popular topics over the years, and proceeding to the in-depth study of these topics: personality and related attributes, attitudes and emotions, self-construal perceptions, culture and values, motivation, leadership, organizational justice, psychological contracts, cognition and decision making, and person-environment fit. For each chosen topic, both theory and empirical research will be covered, and the emphasis will be placed on the linkage between them.

Meso Organizational Seminar

Organizational behaviour is the study of individual, group, and organizational actions and outcomes. This course introduces students to the study of meso OB, or the simultaneous study of two or more of these levels of analysis. Students learn multi-level theory and statistical techniques and read both classic and recent research and theory on topics that span levels, such as culture, social identity, status and power, and work group dynamics. Prior to each session, students will have read and reflected upon the assigned material. Meeting time will primarily be used to draw out key ideas from the theories, to discuss the contributions, strengths, and weaknesses of the work, to raise significant issues, and to consider the emerging general direction of the area. Students will develop their own meso research proposal and will present it to the class at the end of the semester.

2020-2021 Course Outline

Quantitative Methods in the Applied Behavioural Sciences

A defining feature of scholarship in the applied behavioural sciences is its emphasis on empirical research, by collecting data and submitting it to quantitative analysis. This course covers fundamental issues in conducting the analysis of quantitative data collected in fields such as management, marketing, industrial relations, psychology, and related fields. It is designed for doctoral students who intend to conduct empirical research publishable in scholarly journals. This course covers model building and analysis, including topics such as an introduction to statistical inference, analysis of variance, regression analysis, testing and interpreting interaction effects, mediation analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, aggregation across levels of analysis, path analysis, and factor analysis. It concludes with strategies for managing the publishing process. A core focus of this course is on doing analyses that reflect current research in the applied behavioural sciences. Students are assigned core readings and, when appropriate, are given real empirical data to apply the method under discussion.

2014-2015 Course Outline RSM 3090