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Conflict of Interest Statement

The Sandra Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy is largely supported by philanthropic gifts and contributions of time by members of the healthcare and life sciences community that support its research, education, and policy initiatives. 

When faculty and staff affiliated with the Centre engage in initiatives that are relevant for particular supporters, the Centre will both exercise professional judgment about which activities are appropriate and disclose potential conflicts.  

The Centre does not receive any payment from commercial interests.  If that changes, the Centre and its leadership and faculty will disclose any such payments.

All faculty report all sources of funding to the University of Toronto on an annual basis.

All funds received are administered by the University which acts as a safeguard to ensure that funds are spent responsibly, and in accordance with any terms and conditions attached. Every effort is made to uphold the University’s reputation for fairness, integrity, and honesty; most importantly, the entitlement of students and employees to equitable treatment. The University also expects of its members the highest standards of ethical conduct in every aspect of research, in accordance with the University’s Policy on Ethical Conduct in Research. When publishing the finding of research, the University Policy on Conflict of Interest – Academic Staff requires faculty members to disclose the source of funding in the publication unless the faculty member has obtained approval to do otherwise.

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