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News and events at the Rotman School

Each week, our faculty share their groundbreaking research, published work and their authoritative insight into an exceptionally wide range of management issues. Take a moment to find out what's happening this week at Rotman.

Asia Expert Maps Out A New Canada-China Strategy, Amidst Global Tensions.

September 25, 2019
Toronto - Amidst ongoing trade tensions between North American and Chinese officials, acclaimed Asia analyst Wendy Dobson presents a compell...
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New Chair Holders in Economics and Finance Appointed at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.

September 23, 2019
Toronto – Two professors at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management have been appointed the new holders of acade...
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New Book Provides a Roadmap For Companies to Address Demands from Multiple Stakeholders.

September 12, 2019
Toronto – Companies are increasingly facing intense pressures to address stakeholder demands from every direction: consumers want soci...
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Expert in Sustainable Operations and Inventory Management Receives Roger Martin Award for Emerging Leaders at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.

September 11, 2019
Toronto – Sean Zhou, a professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, who is known for his research work in the areas of sustainabl...
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New Faculty Appointments Announced at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.

September 10, 2019
Toronto – Ten faculty appointments across six academic areas for the 2019/20 academic year were announced today at the University of T...
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New Chair in Canadian Business History Appointed at the University of Toronto

September 05, 2019
Toronto – An award-winning business historian has been appointed as the new holder of the L.R. Wilson and R.J. Currie Chair in Canadia...
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Location Matters for Home-Based Female Entrepreneurs Says New Study.

September 04, 2019
Study shows ground floor-based businesswomen doubled their income, narrowed the gender earnings gap by more than half.
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Meltdown Receives George R. Terry Book Award from the Academy of Management.

August 12, 2019
Toronto – A book co-authored by a professor at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management has received the Academy ...
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Not so bad after all: Credit default swaps cushion stock prices against credit downgrades.

July 30, 2019
Severity of market reaction cut in half, Rotman study finds
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Research Project on Behavioural Economics Led by Rotman School Professor Receives Partnership Grant from the Government of Canada.

July 29, 2019
Toronto – A research partnership led by Prof. Dilip Soman and housed at the Behavioural Economics in Action Research Centre at th...
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For more information

Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
Voice 416.946.3818

Rajeev Perera
Coordinator, Events Communications and Media
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto

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