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Earnings help predict the price of credit default swaps

January 04, 2010
Overexposure to credit default swaps (CDS) – a market-traded form of investment insurance – are believed to have contributed to last year’s ...
 > read the full release


June 15, 2005
The University of Toronto’s Joseph L. Rotman School of Management has received a significant boost in its quest to revolutionize business ed...
 > read the full release

Capital Markets Institute

January 15, 1998
The Toronto Stock Exchange has invested $2.75 million to establish a capital markets institute at the University of Toronto. The institute w...
 > read the full release

For more information

Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
Voice 416.946.3818

Rajeev Perera
Coordinator, Events Communications and Media
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto

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