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Sample Class: Implications of Canada’s Evolving Demographics

Experience a sample class at Rotman and see why our faculty has such a stellar reputation.

Event Details

Sample Class

Date: Wednesday May 30, 2018 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Speaker(s): Doug Hyatt, Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, Rotman School of Management
Topic: Sample Class: Implications of Canada’s Evolving Demographics

Rotman School of Management

105 St. George Street

Toronto, ON

Location: Toronto
Cost: Free
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The Canadian population is getting older, with consequences for personal, corporate and political life.

This class will explore the underlying causes of the aging population, explore implications of demographic change that are already apparent but often attributed to other causes, and discuss your role as a future business leader in coming to terms with the many demographic-related challenges you will confront.


As well, our Professional MBA Admissions team will be on hand to answer questions about admission requirements and the application process for our suite of MBA programs.


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