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Pre-Qualification Meetings: Professional MBAs

Have a one-to-one chat about your qualifications for the One-Year Executive MBA at this informal assessment event

Event Details

Coffee Chat

Date: Monday July 30, 2018 | 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Topic: Coffee Chat and Informal Assessment
Venue: Rotman School
105 St. George Street
Location: Toronto
Cost: Free
Register Now

Are you interested in Rotman's One-Year Executive MBA program? Do you think it might be a fit, and you're wondering where you stand in terms of qualifications? Or you're currently working on your application? Then this day is for you!

Come to Rotman for an informal one-on-one chat about your candidate profile. Assistant Directors of Recruitment & Admissions representing our MBA programs for working professionals will be present. 

Please bring your resume.

You'll get the most out of the time if you're also able to bring your transcripts, test scores (GMAT or GRE, or CFA Level III confirmation, draft essays), and organizational chart. If you don't have all those documents ready yet, we're still happy to help you along with your application or discuss what your next steps could be.

Register through Eventbrite using the link above and choose an available time slot.

You could be walking into class as a One-Year Executive MBA student in late August! 

Questions? Contact us anytime

One-Year Executive MBA
Recruitment & Admissions Team
Tel: +1.416.946.3022

Read our Admissions blog

Submit Your Resumefor Pre-Assessment

We will contact you to discuss your experience, career goals, and