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Dr. Laurence B. Mussio

Laurence B. Mussio

Co-Founder & Director, Long Run Inititave
Conference Co-Chair


Conference Co-Chair Dr. Laurence B. Mussio is an author, research scholar, university instructor and frequent commentator on corporate and public policy. He is also one of Canada’s premier historians of business and enterprise. He currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group. Dr. Mussio is CEO of Signal Influence Executive Research & Communications, Inc. (SIERC), a consulting firm specializing in the strategic application of organizational experience for senior leadership. He is also a Co-Founder and Director of the Long Run Initiative (LRI), an international project whose mission is to deliver context, analysis and understanding of the long-run experience of firms, markets and governments to support better corporate and public policy decision making. Dr. Mussio currently teaches in the MBA Program at the Schulich School of Business, York University, and is the author of several books, articles and op-eds on a variety of subjects. His latest book is a land-mark analysis of the long-run experience of Bank of Montreal, Whom Fortune Favours: Bank of Montreal and the Rise of Canadian Finance, Volume 1 & 2 (Vol.1: A Dominion of Capital, 1817-1945; Vol. 2: Territories of Transformation, 1946-2017), published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2020. The book is available through Amazon and Chapters Indigo.