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News and events at the Rotman School

Each week, our faculty share their groundbreaking research, published work and their authoritative insight into an exceptionally wide range of management issues. Take a moment to find out what's happening this week at Rotman.

Rotman School Professor Honoured Twice by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences

November 17, 2011
Two members of the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management were named to the list of the top fifty management thi...
 > read the full release

How smart managers make dumb decisions and why shareholders encourage them: Rotman paper

November 14, 2011
Two members of the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management were named to the list of the top fifty management thi...
 > read the full release

MBA Team Win LPR Global's 2011 Online Marketing Competition

November 10, 2011
Two members of the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management were named to the list of the top fifty management thi...
 > read the full release

Rotman School Event Aims to Help Break the Glass Ceiling

November 07, 2011
Two members of the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management were named to the list of the top fifty management thi...
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Drunk, powerful and in the dark

October 11, 2011
Power can lead to great acts of altruism, but also corruptive, unethical behavior.
 > read the full release

Fall market jitters a SAD thing

October 11, 2011
It’s no surprise to researcher Lisa Kramer that financial market dips and crashes typically happen in the fall.
 > read the full release

Fall 2011 Journal from Rotman International Centre for Pension Management rethinks fund governance, structure and pension design

October 06, 2011
The theme of rethinking long-held beliefs in the pension world are the focus of articles in the Fall 2011 issue of the Rotman International ...
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University of Toronto launches India Innovation Institute. Rotman Professor appointed inaugural director

October 06, 2011
The study of innovation takes a global step forward yesterday with the launch of the India Innovation Institute
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New Fall 2011 appointments strengthen faculty at Rotman

September 28, 2011
Two members of the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management were named to the list of the top fifty management thi...
 > read the full release

Wanna save? Keep it simple, Rotman study says

September 26, 2011
If one savings goal is a good thing, two or more should be great, right?
 > read the full release

For more information

Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
Voice 416.946.3818

Rajeev Perera
Coordinator, Events Communications and Media
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto

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